
A-RICL Articles dans revues internationales avec comité de lecture

Bogliotti, C. & Isel, F (2021) Manual and spoken cues in French Sign Language’s lexical access: Evidence from mouthing in a sign-picture experiment, Frontiers in Psychology. to read it

Bogliotti, C., Aksen, H. & Isel, F. (2020) Role of language experience in sign language experience: behavioural evidence from a repetition task, Plos One 15 (11), to read it

Saksida, A., Iannuzzi, S., Bogliotti, C., Chaix, Y., Démonet, J.-F., Bricout, L., … Ramus, F. (2016). Phonological skills, visual attention span, and visual stress in developmental dyslexia. Developmental Psychology, 52(10), 1503–1516.

Moll, K., Ramus, F., Bartling, J., Bruder, J., Kunze, S., Neuhoff, N., Bogliotti, C … Landerl, K. (2014). Cognitive mechanisms underlying reading and spelling development in five European orthographies. Learning and Instruction, 29(0), pp 65-77.

Becker, J., Czamara, D., Scerri, T. S., Ramus, F., Csepe, V., Talcott, J. B., Bogliotti, C… Schumacher, J. (2013). Genetic analysis of dyslexia candidate genes in the European cross-linguistic NeuroDys cohort. Eur J Hum Genet. pp 1-6

Landerl, K., Ramus, F., Moll, K., Lyytinen, H., Leppänen, P. H. T., Lohvansuu, K.,  Bogliotti, C.… Schulte-Körne, G. (2013). Predictors of developmental dyslexia in European orthographies with varying complexity. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54(6), 686–694.

Medina, V., Hoonhorst, I., Bogliotti, C. & Serniclaes, W (2010) "Development of voicing perception in French : Comparing adults, adolescents and children", Journal of Phonetics,38, 493-503

Bogliotti, C., Serniclaes, W., Messaoud-Galusi, S., & Sprenger-Charolles, L., (2008) "Discrimination of speech sounds by dyslexic children: comparisons with chronological age and reading level controls", Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 101,pp 137-155

A-RNCL Articles dans revues nationales avec comité de lecture

Bogliotti, C. (2012) Les troubles de la dénomination, Langue Française, 174, pp 95-110

Sprenger-Charolles, L., Bogliotti, C., Piquard-Kipffer, A. & Leloup, G. (2009) "Stabilité dans le temps des déficits en et hors lecture chez les adolescents dyslexiques (données longitudinales) / Stability over time of reading and reading-related deficits in dyslexic adolescents (longitudinal data)", A.N.A.E (Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant) - N° spécial : les troubles dyslexiques dans la vie, 103, pp 243-253


Bogliotti, C., Lacheret-Dujour A. & Isel, F. (2017) Atypies langagières de l’enfance à l’âge adulte. Apports de la psycholinguistique et des neurosciences cognitives. De Boeck Supérieur Editions

Book Chapter

Bogliotti, C., Puissant-Schontz, L., & Marshall, C. (2017). L’atypie langagière chez les enfants sourds: Une piste pour définir le développement du langage normal et pathologique dans les langues des signes. In Les atypies langagières de l’enfance à l’âge adulte. Apports de la psycholinguistique et des neurosciences cognitives, DeBoeck Supérieur Editions, p. 75‑114.


A-CICS Communications avec actes dans congrès internationaux avec comité de sélection

Bogliotti, C., Battistelli, D., de Pontonx, S & Brossier, F. (2020) contributeurs équivalents. L’acquisition des adverbiaux temporels en français écrit chez l’enfant sourd: Premiers résultats comportementaux. SHS Web of Conference 78. CMLF Montpellier


Bellato, S., Battistelli, D., Filhol, M. & Bogliotti, C. (2019) Vers la traduction automatique d’adverbiaux temporels du français en Langue des Signes Française, RECITAL, Toulouse, 1-5 july

Brèthes, H., & Bogliotti, C. (2012). Rôle de la morphologie chez les enfants dyslexiques: étude des effets d’un entraînement morphologique. SHS Web of Conferences, 1, 1537–1554.  3e CMLF2012, Lyon.

Bogliotti, C & Serniclaes W. (2005) Dyslexie et perception de la parole, Entretiens d’Orthophonie de Bichat, Expansion Scientifique Française, pp 161-173.

Bogliotti, C., (2003)  Relation between categorical perception of speech and reading acquisition, in M.J Solé, D. Recaesens & J. Romero (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Science, Barcelona ; Spain, 885-888

Serniclaes, W., Bogliotti, C., & Carré, R., (2003) "Perception of consonant place of articulation: phonological categories meet natural boundaries", in M.J Solé, D. Recaesens & J. Romero (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Science, Barcelona ; Spain, 391-394.

CO-CI Communications orales dans colloques internationaux sans actes

Bogliotti, C, Perin, P & Isel, F (2020) Role of age of acquisition of LSF on semantic processing. Event-related potentials evidence with deaf native and late adult signers. Sign Café 2, Catane, Sicilia, 21-23 may

Bogliotti, C., Fortuna, C. & Morgenstern, A. (2018) Sentence Repetition Task in French Sign Language: a new approach to assess LSF abilities. SLAAC- Sign Language Acquisition and Assessment, Haifa-Israel, 19-21 november


Bogliotti, C. & Isel, F (2018) Does mouthing influence the comprehension of lexical signs in French Sign Language? Evidence from a priming experiment, ISGS, Cape Town-South Africa, 4-8 july


Bogliotti, C., Fortuna, C. & Morgenstern, A (2017) Sentence Repetition Task in French Sign Language: a new approach to assess LSF abilities. FEAST17 Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theories, Reykjavick, 21-22 juin 2017


Puissant-Schontz, L., Sekali, M & Bogliotti, C. (2017) Assessing morphosyntactic skills in LSF (French Sign Language): focus on predicative structures FEAST17 Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theories, Reykjavick, 21-22 juin 2017


Puissant-Schontz, L., Sekali, M. & Bogliotti, C. (2017) Assessing morphosyntactic skills in LSF (French Sign Language): focus on predicative structures ALTE17: Learning and Assessment : Making the Connections, Bologne, 3-5 mai 2017


Guy-Guyenet, E., Bogliotti, C., et Lacheret-Dujour, A. (2017) Early gestures and signs in French Sign Language acquisition, Language as a Form of Action, Rome, 21-23 juin 2017


David, C., Bogliotti, C., & Ferré, S. (2017). A non-sign repetition task to test phonological development in French sign language (LSF), Language as a form of Action, Rome, 21-23 juin 2017.


Bogliotti, C. & Cristini, M. (2015) The phonology of French Sign Language (LSF): non sign repetition and discrimination tests, ICSLA15, Amsterdam, 1-3 juillet 2015


Puissant-Schontz, L., Bogliotti, C. & Blondel, M. (2014) Assessment of morphosyntactic skills in Frenck Sign Language (LSF) : linguistic and practical issues, ALTE Conference, 10-11 avril 2014, Paris


Bogliotti C., Puissant-Schontz, L. & Heouaine S. (2013) Assessing morphosyntactic skills in French Sign Language, TISLR11 Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research, 10-13 juillet 2013

Bogliotti C. & Serniclaes (2011) Développement d'un instrument de remédiation de la dyslexie. 4e Journées de Phonétique Clinique. Strasbourg - 19-21 mai 2011

Mis à jour le 26 mai 2021